Tag Archives: Religion and Spirituality

Don’t Deny Yourself God’s Blessings!

A Quadruple Combination of the (scriptures) of...

A Quadruple Combination of the (scriptures) of – contains the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price, all bound together. Ricardo630 07:45, 15 April 2006 (UTC) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



The other day I was on my way to work and got thinking about my life and what things I should change.


As I contemplated, and then prayed about it, I began to realize that because I am complacent about where I am in life right now, moving along with the flow of life, reacting to what comes my way but not planning in advance much, there may be some things I am missing out on.


I definitely have many wonderful blessings in my life.  I try to be a good person and do what is right.  I live a thankful life, rejoicing in God‘s blessings and seeking to share with others.  My deeply held spiritual and religious beliefs have brought me much joy in life, comfort and peace during trying times, and strength to keep trying even when I don’t always understand the reasons for why things happen the way they do.


When we keep a law, we reap the reward for keeping that law:


“There is a alaw, irrevocably decreed in bheaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all cblessings are predicated—And when we obtain any ablessing from God, it is bybobedience to that law upon which it is predicated.”  Doctrine and Covenants 130:20-21.


The wonderful thing about this rule is that if you want a certain blessing, you obey the law it is connected to and you will have that blessing!  The interesting thing about it is that if you don’t obey the law, you will not be able to have that blessing.  The scriptures are replete with God’s laws and the blessings that come from obeying them.  They include stories and examples of people who follow the rules and reap the blessings, and with people who trust in their own desires and reap the consequences of those actions.  And we get to choose which path we will follow.


Back to my musings.  It occurred to me that because of my complacency I could well be missing out on some additional blessings Father in Heaven has in store for me.  I perhaps need to prepare myself in order to move forward in my life, further along the path He has waiting for me as soon as I am ready for it.  That is a very intriguing, somewhat exciting, and even a bit unnerving thought.


Yet, knowing that Heavenly Father always wants what is best for us, it is something I want to think more and pray more about, and discern what I need to change, or to do, to be ready for that next step in my life.  I wouldn’t want to deny myself any of God’s blessings.  I know He has amazing things in store for all of us!  🙂




Bump In The Road

Road to Denali - Mountains - Alaska

Road to Denali – Mountains – Alaska (Photo credit: blmiers2)


Here I was, just a couple weeks or so ago, “bragging” (not really, but I guess you could call it that) about how comfortable our marriage is.  And then – I almost hate to admit it –


A bump in the road!


Beloved hubby was upset with me the other day.


It took me a bit by surprise.  I didn’t expect such a strong reaction.


He was genuinely displeased with me.  My reaction?


First the “natural man” (as it says in the scriptures) reaction flew into my mind.  Defense!  “Why should he be upset with me!  I didn’t do anything.  He has no right to feel that way.”


Then Heavenly Father lovingly interjects.  “Just a minute now.  He is hurt and you’re not going to help anything with that attitude.”


“But,” I argue, “He shouldn’t try to make me feel bad.  Besides, he should calm down and apologize for what he said.  Now I feel hurt and upset.”


In the conversation that ensued, between myself and God, I was reminded that I know how I should react, and, fight it though I did, I knew what I should do.  I also know that there are times that I should swallow my pride, set aside my own interests, humble myself, and go talk to the man I love (even if at the moment I’m not feeling that loving).  Because, if I do nothing, or return ill feelings for ill feelings, not only will we not move forward, but things will get worse.  And I don’t want that.


Therefore, I sought out Beloved hubby, and said, “Hi.”


“Hi,” he replied.


“I didn’t mean to make you feel that way,” I said.  “Well, I do,” he stated.  Again, my hackles came up.  Stop it!  “I am sorry,” I said slowly.  “It was not my intention to hurt you.”


And thus began a dialog that helped begin the healing process.  It did not heal everything right away.  But the process was started.


24 hours later, though I still felt a bit reserved, we were no longer feeling at odds with each other, and had calmed down considerably.  Comfort was beginning to return.  We talked some more.  I still had to hold my “natural man” tendencies back just a little, “No, I’m not going to allow myself to overreact, or to withdraw into myself and away from him,” I told myself, and Father in Heaven.  “That wouldn’t be right either.”


So, we’re pretty well back to the comfortable stage.  And this little bump in the road is pretty well behind us.  It was a bit rough for a while there.  But, it’s not what you go through but how you handle it that really counts.  I am so very thankful for the gospel and the Church in my life, to help me know how to deal with life’s problems and not let them simply run away with me.






19 Additional Hours

My missionary has now been released as a missionary.

But, you may say, he got home last night.  Why just released?

Well, sort of an answer to prayer.

His time is so short with us between finishing his mission and going off to college that we were disappointed.  We, or at least I, didn’t pray for more time, but we certainly thought it would be nice.

It didn’t work out for him to visit with the Stake President last night as planned.  No problem, we all realize that things come up, that others might have a more pressing need, etc.  Not a big problem.  It’ll happen today.

This morning was the groundbreaking for the Fort Collins temple.  So his release was pushed out a little further.  He hung around the house, going through his things, helping us with some chores, reaching out to family and friends, and running errands with his dad.

We had some nice chats, talked about his mission, talked over what needs to happen before he leaves for college, filled him in on what’s been happening around here the last 2 years.

It suddenly occurred to me that in a way this was like an answer to prayer.  By having his release postponed, we were able to spend more time with him, almost a full day, 19 additional hours.  Not a bad deal.  Heavenly Father gave us what we desired, even without our specifically asking for Him to.  What a loving and thoughtful Father!


Missionary Homecoming

Missionaries Mormon

Missionaries Mormon (Photo credit: More Good Foundation)

After 2 years, our missionary returned home last night!  What a joyous reunion it was.

We went to the airport to greet him.  We went in to meet him, I scoured the area looking for a tall young man dressed in a dark suit, white shirt, a tie, and a black badge with the name “Elder” on it.

When at long last I spied him from several yards away, I found myself bee-lining straight for him, moving faster and faster the closer I got to him.  In fact, beloved hubby says I was running!

Then all at once, there he was!  Arms outstretched to return my hug, I hugged him for what must have been a full 60 seconds.  Tears were streaming down my face, I was so overcome with emotion.  As I stepped back to get a good look at him, I saw that he, too, had tears in his eyes.

He looked wonderful.  Tall and straight, with a confidence inherent in those who serve the Lord with all their heart, might, mind, and strength, he, too, was moved by the reunion.

My feelings ran the gamut from joy at seeing him after the long separation, peace for knowing he has been immersed in the Spirit of God and in developing his relationship with his loving Father in Heaven and in serving His children, gaining a love and appreciation for God’s children everywhere, happiness for the experiences (challenging and rewarding) that he has lived through these 2 years, thankfulness to God for His great mercy in giving my son this opportunity and in allowing him to have this great adventure, to humility in realizing he is very soon moving on to the next stage of his life which will again take him away from home but which is the next step in his progression.  So much emotion.  🙂

It was wonderful to hear of some of his experiences.  Things that are different (like almost no thunderstorms there) and things that are the same (people are people no matter where you go).  He has become a man, he has learned to love people, to help and serve them just as the Savior did, to moderate his feelings and reactions, to become a leader and to watch for what people need and to address those needs.

It is so good to have him home!

And as I contemplate this experience and these feelings, I can see a similar reaction in Heaven by our Heavenly family to the homecoming of their children from their great adventure that we call life here on earth.  I catch a glimpse of the joy and rejoicing that must be present when one of God’s children returns from whence they came, to their family and loved ones, to their Father in Heaven.  What a wonderful homecoming, reunion, it will be!  It is a place of perfect love, of hope, and of great happiness for all we have done here that has helped us to progress and become better than we were!

And so here I am, encouraged to try a little harder, to seek a little more, and to step outside my normal sphere to connect with others around me, especially those in need, and to love and strengthen each other more than I have before.  And I look forward to my own homecoming when the time comes to leave this frail existence and return to Him who gave me life.  Oh, how joyous it will be!

Trusting the Lord

You know, I usually think of trusting the Lord in the passive sense, meaning that I believe God will bless me and help me as I patiently wait for it to be His will and for when the timing is best for me, and any others concerned.

But as I’ve been reading the book I referred to in my last blog, Teachings of Presidents of the Church, Lorenzo Snow, I am reminded that I can trust, and in fact should expect to trust, the Lord in the active sense.  By this I mean that we can believe the things He says, and when we obey those laws and rules that He has set forth, we will reap the blessings He has promised.  And even moreso, I am feeling that I can have the desire to say and do things that will strengthen and help others, and I can expect that as I move forward, initiating an action in that direction, God will bless my efforts, fill my mouth, and enable my meager attempts at encouraging someone else to be magnified!

And these acts do not need to be huge, or grandiose.  Sometimes just opening my mouth or stepping forward is enough to begin with.  For instance, today on that shuttle ride from the parking lot to work, there were several people already on it when I boarded.  I found an empty seat and pulled out my book to begin reading.  But it was so quiet!  The Spirit of God nudged me, so I didn’t begin reading.  And after a minute I asked the woman I was sitting next to how she was doing.  She said fine.  I thought for a moment, and then said the thought that entered my mind, “When I started for work this morning it was pretty nice.  But when I got into town it felt so much colder!”  And the gal behind me spoke up and said, “It’s true!  It is colder here in town than by the foothills!”

This sparked a lively conversation between the 3 of us and even a couple others on the shuttle and we had a very enjoyable ride in to work!  And did some teambuilding in the process.  Again, not a big thing, but sure a nice way to start the day!